Cryptographic Credential-Free Authentication
The Circle Data APIs power Zero Trust Data Protection, Privacy & Control
Safeguard your data on endpoint devices and in Cloud
Put Your Enterprise in Charge of its Data While Respecting Your Employees' Privacy
With Circle, NOBODY other than the Data Owner has access to their data - or metadata - EVER

How Does Circle-of-Trust Benefit Users?

There are many benefits to using circle-of-trust, including:

Ability to spoof-proof your actions, events, and data requiring the highest level of security

Enable direct identity verification of a user, via other trusted and known users who are cryptographically added to the Circle-of-Trust. Developers can easily integrate the API calls to Circle-of-Trust into their workflows in minutes.

Authorized members of a Circle-of-Trust operate entirely as an encrypted user group, without any external avenues for attack.

With the available API hooks and guidance, enterprises can implement their own variations of Circle-of-Trust, while ensuring the security and integrity of the system is maintained.

Trusted Restore & Recovery

Anyone who has ever used a password manager, crypto wallets, etc. has also read all the horror stories. What happens if you LOSE the critical hardware token, passphrase or other recovery mechanism? You are locked out, and there is no recovery.

With Circle-of-Trust, any verified member can restore access and recover the Circle-of-Trust owner, without any possibility of gaining access to the owner's secrets themselves.

The Circle-of-Trust owner invites and verifies members that have the power to restore his/her encryptions keys and access.

The number of members for identity verification to authorize recovery, can be set by the Circle-of-Trust owner.

Prevention of Data Breaches

We all read the headlines. Not a day goes by without another catastrophic breach of data, networks or sensitive systems and infrastructure. Why does this keep happening? Partly because the super user or the privileged access user has the keys to the kingdom. And those keys are usually stored in the place where they are most vulnerable – on the cloud!

Circle-of-Trust solves this problem, enabling Super User access to be reinforced by humans that know each other beyond machines.

Cloud Back-up Without Access to Keys

Worried about users that do silly things? Application developers can easily offer a cloud back-up that is automatically created when users create a Circle-of-Trust.

Recovery keys are stored on the cloud, but in secure capsules that can only be opened when downloaded to an authorized device of an authenticated user. So, your support staff can recover a user, but never get access themselves.

Built-in Immutable Audit Trail

Circle's internal immutable Distributed Ledger, ensures that a bullet-proof audit trail can be maintained for compliance and regulatory investigations.