What these demos show
There are two different demos
Circle Access Desktop + Auth0
A live demo of credential-free authentication (CFA) powered by Circle Access Desktop API which is integrated with Auth0 to:
Enable CFA with Federated Identity Providers (e.g. Google, LinkedIn); and
The ability for user to add and manage multiple devices that will share the same Secure Capsule and Auth0 token;
The ability of the user to have seamless credential-free authentication with the same token across multiple browsers.
Circle Access Desktop Wordpress Plug-in (Video)
This is a video showing how we have implemented Circle Access Desktop as a Wordpress Plug-in on our own Web site (coming soon to the Wordpress catalogue!). This illustrates UI/UX that a developer can easily implement to address, in additional to CFA:
Managing and using multiple user profiles (such as users can do with Gmail / Google for example);
Adding and managing multiple devices that share the same authentication using Circle's distributed, peer-to-peer multifactor authentication; and
The ability of the user to have seamless credential-free authentication across multiple browsers.
You can also try Circle Access with both Circle Access Desktop and Mobile demo, in which the developer can offer and users can elect to use either Circle Access Desktop or Circle Access Mobile based on which UX they prefer. There are many other compelling benefits of in how it powers the rest of our product line across data security & control and privacy.