Circle + Auth0 Introduction 

What This Demo Shows

This is a demonstration of credential-free authentication powered by Circle Access Desktop API, including:


integration with Auth0 to enable CFA with Federated Identity Providers (e.g. Google, LinkedIn); and


optional escalation to Circle-of-Trust human-in-the-loop distributed identity verification + authentication.
Circle-of-Trust is a very flexible and powerful tool.  This is the simplest possible configuration - called Level 1 - in which external communications platforms are used.   At the highest level of security configuration, Circle-of-Trust operates entirely within Circles that are encrypted with AES 256, without any external avenues for attack. We are implementing this first a turn-key hosted solution in order to ensure the integrity of the methods and system.  If you would like to get a demo and learn more, please contact us.  

What You Need to Use This Demo


Read the Demo Tips 
This demo involves some advanced features and administrator settings for Circle-of-Trust that must be defined - and are part of the demo.  Therefore, before starting,  please review this brief introduction and instructions of how to use the demo. 
Demo Tips


Get Circle Access Desktop
You must have Circle Access Desktop installed.   This is a lightweight 'install once and forget' thin client that manages encryption, key management, device authentication and other key security functionalities on your device.   Depending on your operating system there may be some extra steps to enable it to be viewed on your task bar.
Download Circle Access

How to Use the Demo

When ready to start:


Go to the demo - you will arrive at the home page of a ultra-simple demo Web site.


Simply log-in using your preferred federated identity provider - such as Google / Gmail account - with the button.


You can then try out the features of Circle Access Desktop and Circle-of-Trust following the Demo Tips.

Want to See More?

There are more sophisticated features that we can show, including the console and code walkthrough.  If you are interested, please contact us for a demo.