Cryptographic Credential-Free Authentication
The Circle Data APIs power Zero Trust Data Protection, Privacy & Control
Safeguard your data on endpoint devices and in Cloud
Put Your Enterprise in Charge of its Data While Respecting Your Employees' Privacy
With Circle, NOBODY other than the Data Owner has access to their data - or metadata - EVER

How Does Circle-of-Trust Work?

Circle-of-trust is a zero trust identity verification system that uses contextual information to verify the identity of a user. This system is unspoofable, meaning that it cannot be fooled by fake or stolen credentials. It also does not require any external certificate authority, making it more secure than other systems. All operations are performed within encrypted cycles, ensuring that your data is safe from prying eyes.

Not all security needs or use cases are equal.  Circle Cryptographic Credential-free Auto-Authentication is suitable to many or even most use cases, providing a new level of security that binds access to cloud resources to authorized devices.  In doing so, we have eliminated the attack surface in the cloud.

Attackers may then turn, of course, to attack devices.  While this is exponentially more expensive in terms of effort required for the attacker, it will still be worthwhile if the human or device involved accesses sufficiently valuable resources.   A Master Admin account is one example of this, but any use case with high value and high risk capabilities applies. 

Circle-of-Trust provides a breakthrough method of addressing this need for such capabilities, while ensuring that only the authorized human users or roles are given the power to do so.